Whenever you have a problem that involves chopping something up into regular sized groups the mod function/operator comes in handy for working out how to deal with the leftovers. In this case you are thinking of working out what is left over if you do something in `chunks of y'.įor example, a text file is 20000 lines long and you can fit 66 lines to a page - how much text is left over? The answer is 2 because mod(20000,66)=20000 % 66 =2. Mod(x,y) or x % y gives the remainder when you The mod(x,y) function, or the mod operator x % y in Python, C# or JavaScript say, is very simple but you can think about it at least two different ways - corresponding, roughly speaking, to passive and active models of what is going on.
As soon as you start implementing even the simplest of algorithms the need to understand mod will occur. You may not meet the mod function or operator in the course of learning to program, but once you start to write real code you will certainly meet it. Once you get away from the representation of numbers as bit strings and arithmetic via registers then many mod and remainder operations lose their immediate meaning so familiar to assembly language programmers. You find it in the way numbers are represented in binary and in machine code or assembly language instructions.

Modular arithmetic used to be something that every programmer encountered because it is part of the hardware of every machine. Many programmers are puzzled by the mod, short for modulo, and integer division functions/operators found in nearly all languages. Not only is it the basis for many an algorithm, it is part of the hardware. The answer any experienced programmer should give you is "a lot". What has modular arithmetic got to do with the real world?